Towards a new global agreement to facilitate investment for development
Representatives from 113 economies have finalized a new agreement on sustainable Investment Facilitation for Development at the World Trade Organization.
Global growth is volatile and uneven, with trade and investment patterns undergoing rapid change.
We inform business and policy action towards dynamic, inclusive and sustainable trade and investment. We drive growth and development.
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The Forum's Trade and Investment Platform accelerates reform through a proven mobilization process to advance recovery, growth and sustainable development.
From the G20 Ministers and CEOs in our leadership groups to the customs officials and SME managers in our working communities, we take a multi-stakeholder approach to diagnosing problems, designing solutions and measuring impact. We have many projects and regional engagement across four thematic areas including ensuring open and stable commerce; facilitating flows of goods, services and investment; supporting sustainable and equitable value chains; and growing cross-border businesses.
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Representatives from 113 economies have finalized a new agreement on sustainable Investment Facilitation for Development at the World Trade Organization.
The Forum's Global Trade Alliance has generated a 673% return on investment with its projects removing trade barriers in developing countries.
How should policy-makers and companies react and plan in this rapidly changing landscape while ensuring technologies advance equality and inclusion in international trade?With the rise of...
Overview How can we ensure technology drives innovative, inclusive, efficient and responsible trade growth in the digital era? The Fourth Industrial Revolution – associated with rapid tec...
International investment is crucial to realizing the intertwined goals of sustainable development and corporate growth. The evidence shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) can generat...
ASEAN is the fastest growing Internet market in the world. With 125,000 new users coming onto the Internet every day, the ASEAN digital economy is projected to grow significantly, adding ...
Bans on exports of medical supplies and foodstuffs amid the COVID-19 pandemic risk humanitarian tragedy. Yet global trade and investment governance reform, already under acute strain from...
While trade and globalization have created jobs, lifted incomes and improved working conditions in some contexts, they have left behind or exploited workers in others. How can trade polic...
Public and private actors are showing great interest in green trade topics. The urgency of environmental challenges is driving a re-think of our production and consumption networks. Suppl...
The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation is a public-private partnership for trade-led growth, supporting governments in developing and least-developed countries in implementing the Wor...
This report, written in collaboration with Sea, calls for a targeted and multistakeholder approach to tackling barriers to financial inclusion for the ASEAN region’s digital generation. T...
By making climate-friendly technologies more readily available, trade can support climate action, and governments must work together to encourage their uptake.
Digital payment ecosystems are the invisible infrastructure powering commerce, trade and people’s daily lives. With the onset of global COVID-19 pandemic the value of digital payments for...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been met with unprecedented trade and other economic sanctions. Some members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have revoked Russia’s most-favoured-...
Supply chains are important levers for achieving sustainability goals and have gained increased corporate, governmental and civil society attention. This white paper charts regulatory dev...
Leveraging the World Economic Forum's extensive community of payment experts, this report provides a forward-looking and inclusive approach to defining and measuring the different types o...
This publication identifies the building blocks for TradeTech policy adoption: the 5 Gs of TradeTech. Trade agreements and plurilateral initiatives are exploring the interplay between tec...
This paper outlines the state of play and issues of concern in the areas of subsidies, state ownership and control, public procurement, investment screening and controls, and the use of t...
This white paper is a preliminary inquiry into the effects of DSTs on trade, investment and competition, drawing from multistakeholder interviews and a survey of firms facing these measures.
For this report, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Clifford Chance, interviewed representatives from more than 30 companies to better understand how trade can support climat...
This White Paper on advancing data flow governance in the Asia-Pacific region explores international and regional best practices in four domestic contexts.
This report aims to shed light on the landscape of emerging trade technologies and consider the opportunities and challenges for each, ranging from AI to IoT to 3D printing.
The project was a true co-creation of local and international multi-stakeholders. The report showcases our methodology, the progress made and next steps in the development of the Electron...
Digital trade in Asia had been booming even before the COVID-19 pandemic that drove large numbers of firms and consumers online. The region has also been at the forefront of digital trade...
FDI brings not only capital but also knowledge and technology. Attracting digital FDI can help economies and companies boost digital capabilities, but reflecting the fact that this is a n...
Electronics are a critical part of our lives and even more so in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, however, too many electronics wind up in the environment, are recycle...
This briefing note draws on the expertise of trade and environment experts from across the plastics value chain to identify the key cross-border challenges to scaling a more circular econ...
A major international initiative on data flows, the Osaka Track, was launched by heads of governments under Japan’s G20 leadership in 2019. This paper develops a framework for ‘data free ...
The rapid expansion of access to digital payments has made it possible for consumers to conveniently make purchases for goods and services from merchants around the world. The current COV...
As governments and businesses grapple with the effects of COVID-19, other global challenges remain. Once the immediate crisis abates, countries must intensify environmental action to tack...
In January 2019, the Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment outlined four potential scenarios for the future of global trade and investment. This briefing paper takes...
This briefing paper by the Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment explains the new forces shaping international investment. It outlines three possible future scenario...
This paper provides insights, developed through expert inputs, on domestic good practices as well as trade policy tools that can help balance facilitating cross-border data flows while pr...
Features of many digital platforms have led competition authorities to rethink traditional tools. In doing so, they have taken diverse views of the consumer welfare standard and the abili...
As countries seek to reform international corporate tax rules to address these issues, this paper supports informed debate among non-experts. It has been produced with the input of a dive...
E-commerce in Africa is well underway, but it has potential to grow, creating new jobs and driving sustainable development. E-commerce stakeholders from within and beyond the continent ha...
Trade costs – the costs of moving cargo from one country to another – are a leading constraint for companies wanting to engage in trade. The development of trade single windows, a one-sto...
This paper highlights the disconnect between the modern global economy and an outdated international tax framework and provides some suggestions for how tax policy could better promote su...
Anti-competitive behaviour can affect the smooth functioning of global value chains (GVCs) in different ways and at various stages. The international nature of production networks, multin...
With new data revealing the extent of services’ contribution to global value chains, there has been greater policy interest in what drives services competitiveness. This paper traces the ...
Given the important role of multinational enterprises (MNEs), attracting foreign direct investment is a key concern for countries keen to join value chains. This paper explains why increa...
This paper examines two questions that arise at the intersection of environmental sustainability and global value chains. The first relates to trade and other barriers to the smooth funct...
The Global Value Chain Policy Series was launched in 2018 by the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of International Trade and Investment. It consists of brief...
Technology has altered the way consumers interact with payment systems. The Internet, digitization, shifting consumer preferences and, in some cases, regulatory reform have accelerated th...
Paperless trade refers to the digitization of information flows required to support goods and services crossing borders. Transforming what was traditionally a paper-based documentation sy...
This White Paper aims to build the knowledge of current e-transaction and e-signature rules. It evaluates how these apply in national and international commercial contexts, and bridges pe...
This white paper will present a view of legal and regulatory structures in the context of trade financing, using the recent example of correspondent banking as a case study that highlight...
At a time of uncertainty, which aspects of trade policy and practice are working well? Our new report
World trade has experienced a significant slowdown since the 2008 financial crisis. Over this period, the global ratio of trade expansion to income growth has halved. An effective global ...
Trade news: WTO predicts slower global trade growth in 2023; UK strikes biggest trade deal since Brexit; EU plans restrictions on Ukrainian grain imports.
National Implementation Committees have crucial functions for the AfCFTA and there is good momentum on NICs throughout Africa.